Our Services

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We provide what

Psychological Services

Our goal is to provide customers with the best service, for us to help customers
overcome their barriers is a noble task


RTMS treatment entails using magnetic stimulation to target certain regions of the brain. People have been using it.


Deaddiction is a term derived from the term "Addiction" which is defined as an addiction to a substance.


The two main types of anxiety are generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and specific anxiety disorder (SAD)

Panic Disorder

When you suffer from panic disorder, you are dealing with a condition that interferes with your everyday life.


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by hearing voices in the mind that are often times very disturbing.

Sexual Dysfunctions Disorders

Sexual Dysfunctions Disorder is one of the most commonly encountered problems in a person's life.

Bipolar Disorders

Some of the most common symptoms of Bipolar Disorder are mania, depression, or hypomania.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

If you have been diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, it is important that you know and understand that.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation

Mental Health

A serious mental disorder can make you unhappy and cause difficulties in your social life, including at work.

Trauma and Stressor

Trauma and Stressor-Related disorders are a category of mental and emotional issues that can result from early childhood.


Insomnia or sleeplessness is characterized by an interruption in the regular sleeping pattern, i.e. interrupted sleep that usually.

Sleep-Wake Disorders

When sleep-woken disorders first became a topic of interest in the scientific community, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.

Neurocognitive Disorders

Mild neurocognitive disorders is often part of a larger cluster of disorders known as the neurocognitive disorders.

Personality disorders

Personality disorders are usually long term patterns of thought, feelings and behaviors that differ markedly from what would.

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